If you haven’t booked your summer escape yet, do it now. And remember traveling is no excuse to compromise on fashion. Here are some great packing tips which will help you maximize space and make sure that you arrive at your destination with everything you need for the perfect stylish holiday. The added bonus is you won’t have to pay extra baggage fees. Steps for Packing:
- Lay out all of your pieces
- Try on all your outfits
- Collect all your toiletries and pack them carefully in sealed bags
- Put your shoes in bags or wrap them in tissue paper
- Put all your swimwear in one bag
- Put all your underwear in a bag
- Put all your jewelry together in one bag or jewelry container
- Put your travel outfit to one side
- Collect your clutch and tote
- Start by assembling one side of your suitcase
- Place your heavy items on the bottom. Then place your bags of shoes, swimwear, toiletries underwear, lingerie, and swimwear near the top. Place your tote and clutch on top creating a flat surface
- Place your fragile or easily-wrinkled items in a garment bag or a plastic bag.
- Line sweaters and blouses with tissue paper
- Roll t-shirts to prevent wrinkles
- Start folding and stacking the remaining outfits using the interlock method
Folding the correct way will give you more room in your suitcase and keep your clothes out of the case wrinkle-free.
The Interlock Method: Video…KGO TV
Wrinkle-free packing
- Button every garment
- Start with your largest piece on the bottom north. The next large piece should lie facing south. Leave the sleeves hanging over. Don’t fold them in yet.
- Place smaller items going west, altering directions east until you have packed everything except your shorts and sleepwear in the center, creating a middle pillow.
- Start folding in making an envelope shape.
- Place it in the other side of the suitcase and place your rolled items around the envelope.
Now, are you wondering what clothes, accessories or products to bring on your trip? Check back in for “Summer Style Essentials: Audrey Mansfield’s Perfect Packing Plan Part 2.” In the meantime, if you have any travel stories that you’d like to share let me know. Cheers!
Nice blogging
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Best wishes to you.
Love It! Keep it up!
Great tips,
keep it up.
Thank you …so glad you had a look at it. I am looking forward to giving lots of tips..You know how I love that..
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Great job. I’m proud of you. Another place to add your video clips/tips as well.
Great blog!
Cheers .. Thank you for checking my blog out I appreciate it very much..