How to Get “The Look” by Stepping Outside the Box
Are you a fashion snob? Think you have to dress head to toe in designer pieces? Well, try taking a step down off the fashion pedestal and you’ll find a great new look by mixing inexpensive items into your outfits!
If you can only afford one designer piece then choose a piece that shows off your best body part . Or pick a designer handbag or shoe that is really extraordinary, and then you can cheat on the rest. There’s no need to pay a fortune for the basics like a tee shirt, black leggings or a trendy piece that will only last this season.
Try shopping at the thrift stores, where you will find affordable designer / vintage pieces. Don’t forget jewelery! Thrift stores often have some very affordable, unusual pieces like shoe clips and broaches. That gorgeous pin can be worn at the shoulder, at your waist, on the back of a drop backed dress or on a top.
Rule of thumb – no more than one piece of clothing with a designer logo on it per one complete outfit. You might wear a great designer pant or skirt with a tee from the gap. How about a blouse from H&M , a vintage belt from a thrift store and a trench coat from Banana Republic and a ballet flats? Bottom line is you don’t have to spend a lot to get a great look.
You do need to find a look that reflects your personality and works with your figure type and mixes traditional with modern. Some people copy style, others set a trend . Some people take risks and others know who they are and have their own look.
ALWAYS remember ” you want to wear the clothes not have the clothes wear you”.
If you choose a signature piece for the season then everything will fall in to place. Step one, find a dress that’s wearable and affordable and really NOW. Don’t compromise ! If you love something and it flatters your body and allows “the you ” to shine through , then get it! You KNOW you deserve it!
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